Home of the Thunderbirds
School Supply List
K-6 Grades
- 8-glue sticks & 1 bottle liquid elmer’s glue
- 4-boxes of Crayola crayons (16 or 24 count)
- 3-pkg Expo black dry erase markers (at least 6)
- 1-box of washable markers
- 1-pkg of sharpened pencils
- 1-Fiskar scissors
- 1-pencil box, no zippers (approx. 8x4 ½ in)
- 4-regular sized cans of playdough
- 1-watercolor paints
- 1-set of headphones (no earbuds) to keep at school
- 1-bottle of hand sanitizer/1-disinfectant wipes
- 1-box of Kleenex
- Kindergarten Boys-
- 1 box of gallon size Ziplock bags
- Kindergarten Girls-
- 1 box of sandwich size Ziplock bags
First Grade
- 2-Folders 3 hole punched
- 3-crayons (24 count)
- 1-pkg of markers (12 pack)
- 48-pencils (sharpened)
- 8-glue sticks
- 1-set of watercolors
- 1-large box of Kleenex
- Scissors (Fiskars recommended)
- 2 spiral notebooks (70 pages each)
- 1 - pkg of black EXPO markers (at least 6)
- 1-pair of wired headphones labeled with student name
- 2 packages of disinfecting wipes & 1 bottle hand sanitizer
- 1 box of plain band aids
- 1 reusable water bottle
- Boys: 1 bx sandwich size Ziploc; Girls: 1 bx gallon size ziploc
Second Grade
- 1 - Box Crayons (Crayola, 24 count)
- 1 pack -pencil top erasers
- 24 – pencils (prefer Ticonderoga brand)
- 6 - Glue sticks
- 4 - Black dry erase whiteboard markers
- 1 – pair scissors (Fiskars recommended)
- 2 - containers of wipes
- 1 - pair of headphones to keep at school
- 1- wide ruled spiral notebook
- 1- box of Kleenex
- 1- Crayola Water Colors Paint Set (8 color palette)
- Optional/Donations:
- Wide ruled paper
- Colored markers
- Hand sanitizer
- Ziploc gallon or sandwich sized bags
- Band-Aids
Third Grade
- Backpack with no wheels
- 1 black Fine Point Sharpie (not ultra fine point)
- 1 highlighter
- 1 box of crayons (24 count)
- 24-48 sharpened box pencils (Ticonderoga recommended)
- 1 large pink eraser
- 1 standard size pencil box
- 2 composition notebooks (wide ruled only)
- 4 black or blue dry-erase markers
- 2 red correcting pen
- 1 pair pointed intermediate size scissors (Fiskars recommended)
- 2 jumbo size glue sticks
- 1 watercolor paints
- 1 set headphones (no wi-fi)
- 1 large container sanitizing wipes
- 1 large box of Kleenex
- 1 large box of standard band aids
- Optional:
- 1 set (12-24) colored pencils or markers (recommend twistables or Crayola)
- Check with individual teachers for appreciated donations
Fourth Grade
- 1 – Large pink eraser
- 36 – Pencils (minimum) sharpened (Ticonderoga recommended)
- 1 set of colored markers
- 1 set of colored pencils (Twistables recommended)
- 1 pencil box
- 6 - small glue sticks
- 1 Liquid glue
- 2 – fine tip black sharpie marker
- 1 – ruler with inches and centimeters
- 2 - Spiral Notebooks (70 pages each)
- 1 – Pointed Scissors (Fiskars recommended)
- 1 pair of headphones or earbuds
- 2 – 2 pocket folders
- Disinfectant wipes and kleenex
- OPTIONAL: hand sanitizer, zip lock baggies, Band-Aids
Fifth Grade
- 1 pack pencil top erasers
- 36 – Pencils (minimum) sharpened (Ticonderoga recommended)
- 1 set of colored markers
- 1 set of colored pencils
- 1 pencil box
- 6 – small glue sticks
- 2 – fine tip black sharpie marker
- 3 – spiral notebooks (70 pages each)
- 1 – pointed scissors (Fiskars recommended)
- 2 – 2 pocket folders
- 1 pair of wired headphones or earbuds
- OPTIONAL: disinfectant wipes, Kleenex, zip lock baggies (gallon and sandwich sizes), band-aids
Sixth Grade
- Wired ear buds or headphones (no bluetooth)
- 1 – 1” Binder
- 1 – sturdy pencil pouch with 3 holes
- 8 – composition notebooks
- 1 - pkg of looseleaf college rule paper (150 count or more)
- 24 – Pencils (minimum) sharpened
- 1 – Calculator
- 3 – Color highlighters (different colors)
- 1 – Pencil sharpener
- 1 - box of colored pencils (12 -24 count)
- 2 – Blue or Black ball point pens
- 2 - Red, pink, purple, or green correcting pens
- 2 - dry erase markers
- 1 - of either boxed tissues, or disinfectant wipes
Kindergarten Academy
- School size Backpack (no wheels, big enough to fit a folder)
- 1 box gallon zip lock bags
- 1 box sandwich size zip lock bags
- 4 boxes of 8 Colors Crayons
- 1 six packs of glue sticks
- 2 boxes of Kleenex
- 1 box baby wipes & 1 box Clorox wipes
- Play-doh 4 pack
- 1 pocket folder
- Fiskars scissors (blunt tip)
- 3 Crayola set of 10 markers
- 2 80 page spiral notebooks
- Dry erase black markers packet (fat)
Support Center
Support Center Supply List:
- 4 – Glue sticks
- 2 – bottles liquid glue
- 1 – box gallon ziplocs
- 2 – boxes Kleenex
- 1 – pack markers
- 2 – packs crayons
- 4 count Expo markers
- 10 – pencils
- 1 -set of headphones
- 1 – package Clorox wipes
- 5 – folders
- 1 – clear pencil box
- 2 – packages baby wipes
Third Grade - Quest
*Please bring 10 pencils already sharpened |
Fourth Grade - Quest
- 3 – Spiral notebooks (wide-ruled; 70 pages each)
- 2 – Folders with bottom pockets
- 24 – Pencils* (Ticonderoga preferred)
- 2 – Pkg. Pencil-top erasers
- 1 – Ruler (inch/cm, clear plastic)
- 1 – Colored Marker Set (fine line)
- 1 – Colored Pencil Set (24 count max)
- 3 – Glue Sticks
- 1 – Scissors (Fiskars recommended)
- 1 – Black Sharpie (fine point)
- 1 – Black Sharpie (ultra-fine point)
- 1 – Pkg. Highlighters (different colors)
- 2 – RED Ballpoint Pens
- 1 – Pencil Box (small)
- 1 – handheld pencil sharpener
- 1 – Pair of ear buds/headphones (basic)
- 1 – Box of Kleenex
*Please bring 5 pencils already sharpened
Fifth Grade - Quest
- 1 - Pkg college-ruled paper
- 3—Two pocket folders
- 3 – Spiral notebooks (college ruled, one subject - No double/triple subject notebooks)
- 2- Composition notebooks, bound
- 24 -36 Pencils* (Ticonderoga preferred)
- 1—pkg pencil eraser tops
- 1 - Large Pink eraser
- 1 - Ruler w/ inches and cm (write name on it)
- 1 - Pkg. colored pencil set (24 max)
- 1 - Colored marker set
- 1 - Pkg multi-color highlighters
- 1 -regular black sharpie pen
- 1 -ultra fine black sharpie pen
- 2 - Red ball point pens
- 1 - Blue ball point pen
- 1 - Black ball point pen
- 1 - pair of scissors
- 1 - Pencil box
- 1 - Pair of earbuds/headphones
*Please bring 5 pencils already sharpened
Sixth Grade - Quest
- 3 – two pocket folders
- 4 - Pkg college-ruled notebook paper
- 3 Spiral notebooks (college-ruled; 80 pages. One for Writing, Reading, and Soc. Studies. No double/triple subject notebooks)
- 1 Composition notebook, bound
- 1 Pencil box/pouch
- 36-48 Pencils *(Dixon/ Ticonderoga)
- 2 Large Pink erasers
- 1 Colored Pencil Set
- 3 Red pens
- 1 box crayons (24 count)
- 3 Glue sticks
- 1 Scissors (Fiskars recommend)
- 1 Package Highlighters
- 1 Calculator (Basic)
- 1 Pair of ear buds/headphones (basic)-not bluetooth
- 1 – box of Kleenex
*Please bring 5 pencils already sharpened